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Graduating Students

Master Program

Master of Agricultural Science
M.Agr. Sc

3 years

Admission to Master of Agricultural Science Program


Applicant holding the Bachelor of Agricultural Science Degree for the regular M.Agr.Sc program and or if applied to Master Program of Advanced Center of Agricultural Research and Education (ACARE), an equivalent degree from a recognized University) is eligible. Applicant needs to get permission from his/her respective department if he or she is working under the government organization.

Entrance Exam:   All applicants have to take the written exam (related subject and English). Applicant who passed the written exam has to take the oral exam arranged by the Academic board of YAU.

Specialized majors offered to the regular M.Agr.Sc. degree program

  1. Agronomy

  2. Plant Breeding, Physiology and Ecology

  3. Soil and Water Science

  4. Plant Pathology

  5. Entomology

  6. Horticulture

  7. Agricultural Economics

  8. Agricultural Extension

  9. Food Science and Technology

  10. Agricultural Microbiology

  11. Agricultural Biotechnology

Fundamental Requirements of M.Agr.Sc. Degree Program

The M.Agr.Sc. degree program consists of course work, thesis work and seminars.

A. Degree requirements

  • Two-three years enrollment in M.Agr.Sc. degree program is necessary for full-time student and 3-5 years for part-time student.

  • Acquisition of minimum 51 credits in the program (Table 1) including passing the thesis report evaluation, and dissertation.

  • A student shall be required to achieve a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0.

B. Credit requirements

Students enrolled for the M.Agr.Sc. degree program shall undergo course work to earn course credits as indicated below (Table 1) and submit acceptable thesis as minimum requirement for the degree: more than 50 credit hours in total are required for completion of the M.Agr.Sc. degree.

A student shall be required to achieve a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0. GPA is described later.

Study Period

A minimum residential requirement for earning a M.Agr.Sc. shall be four semesters (two years) for completion of all courses and research work including writing of thesis and its evaluation.  The maximum period shall be six semesters (three years) from the date of registration for the degree after which he shall be rendered ineligible for the same.

For part-time student, the minimum residence requirement for the program is 6 semesters and a maximum of 10 semesters.

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Contact Us


P.O.Box 150501, Yezin,

Zayarthiri Township,

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

Fax:      +95 67 341 6517

Phone: +95 67 341 6513



Office: +95 67 341 6688

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