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Author Guidelines for Journal of Agricultural Research (YAU-JAR)
There is no submission or publication fee for the papers published in ''Journal of Agricultural Research''. The author should guarantee that the paper submitted for publication has not been published and that it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the Editor.
The Journal is published two times a year and the following types of contributions are published:
Original scientific paper -The paper should report the unpublished results of original research. The submitted paper should not be more than 15 pages.
Review article -The article which contains original, detailed and critical review of research problem or area where the author has made a certain contribution, noticed by auto citation (at least 10).
The submitted paper should not be more than 15 pages.
Preliminary communication - Original research paper of full for-mat, small-scale or preliminary character. The submitted short communication should be less than 6 pages. Editorial Board, on the proposal of the reviewers, make a final decision concerning the type of contribution. Each paper must have at least two positive reviews. The papers sent back for correction must be returned to Editorial Board within 30 days. If the paper is not returned in the above mentioned period, it will be assumed that the author has given up publishing his/her paper in this journal.
MS-Word, font Times New Roman, font size 12, double spacing, margin 1 inch should be used when writing the paper. Page numbering should be included in bottom center.
The obligatory parts of each Original scientific paper and Preliminary communi-cation are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Email address of corresponding author, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional), and References. The obligatory parts of each Review article are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Email address of corresponding author, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Analysis-discussion of a certain topic, Conclusion and References.
Title of the paper: Authors are recommended to use words in the title which are suitable for indexing and browsing purposes. The title should be centered and written in title case. The paper should be submitted with running title. If the paper has already been announced at certain meeting as an oral presentation, under the same or similar title, the datum should be stated on it at the bottom of the first page, after the data of the corresponding author.
Authors' Names: The names should be written below the title, in capitalized each word, centered and bold-ed. If several different affiliations need to be mentioned, using the command ''insert footnote'', consecutive numerals should be placed as the superscript after the respective author's name. The corresponding author should be designated with an asterisk as the superscript, after the last (family) name, and his/her e-mail ad-dress should be given under the line, at the bottom of the first page of the paper.
Authors' Affiliations: The full name and address of the institution where the author is employed should be provided. It should be centered and written immediately after the author's name. If authors belong to different institutions, the numerals should be placed as the superscript before the name of institution to provide infor-mation on the institution where each of the stated authors is employed.
Abstract: It should contain between 100 and 250 words and be placed between the name of the authors' affili-ations and key words. The title of the abstract should be bolded and indented pressing the tab key.
Keywords: The number of key words should be 3 to 10. They should appear below the abstract. The title of key words should be bolded and indented by pressing the tab key. The colon should be used after the title, and then the list of key words in lower-case letters should be given with the full stop at the end.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Articles should be written in British English. Authors are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked carefully for spelling, grammar and usage before submission. In some cases, authors may wish to have their papers professionally edited prior to submission.
Manuscripts can be prepared using MS Word processing software version 2010. Figures and tables should be put at the end of the manuscript.
The manuscript submitted for review should be all-inclusive, with references, tables and figures appearing at the end of the manuscript. When reporting monetary values, the preference for a single-country, location specific study is to report in local currency units. At first use and in relevant tables clearly indicate the USD equivalent, exchange rate prevailing at the time, and the reference year.
Tables and Figures
Any tables and figures that are included in the main text of the paper should be numbered separately, in the sequence that they are mentioned in the text.
All text should be clearly legible, and all graphics and legends should be easily distinguished when printed in black and white. Tables should use horizontal lines only, with only blank space to separate columns. Notes under each table and figure should be used to explain and specify the source of all data shown.
Equations: Formula should be composed in an equations editor to ensure appropriate spacing and lettering when printed.
Footnotes: Footnotes should be used sparingly. In many cases it will be possible to incorporate the infor-mation in normal text. If used, footnotes should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript numbers, and kept as brief as possible. Equations or other complex text should not appear in footnotes, since they will be difficult to read.
References: Reference lists for final publication should follow the example of past issues, for example using the following formats:
Carter, R., J. Clower, R. Young, and H. Larbert. 1997. Transgenic B. t. cotton-consultants’ views & observations.In: Proceedings 1997 Beltwide Cotton Conferences. National Cotton Council of America, New Orleans, LA, pp. 874–875.
Hawkins, B. A. 1994. Parasitoid species richness. In: Pattern and process in host-parasitoid inter-actions. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK, pp. 23–69
Adamczyk, J. J., Jr., J. W. Holloway, G. E. Church, B. R. Leonard, and J. B. Graves. 1998. Lar-val survival and development of the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on normal and transgenic cotton expressing the Bacillus thuringiensisCryIA (c)- endotoxin. J. Econ. Ento-mol., 91: 539–545.
For Thesis:
Hos, J. P. 2005. Mechanochemically synthesized nanomaterials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell membranes. Ph.D Thesis, University of Western Australia.
Data Appendix
Authors of empirical papers are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit a data appendix for review and eventual publication alongside the article itself.
The data appendix should allow replication of a paper’s main results, and in some cases it will allow re-creating of key charts and tables as well as statistical tests, estimation and simulation.
All variables and commands should be clearly labeled, so that they are self-explanatory to a reasonably skilled reader. Providing such a data appendix will facilitate refereeing, and will greatly enhance the value of pub-lished papers. Readers will have more confidence in each result, and will be able to build directly on the data in subsequent work, thus increasing citations and impact.
A footnote to the article will indicate how the data appendix can be obtained. For widest dissemination, it should appear on the publisher’s web site alongside the published article. No assignment of copyright is in-volved, however, and the data can also be posted elsewhere. A few articles provide analyses of confidential data, in which case we hope to see a data appendix that presents a publishable version of the data, typically at a high enough level of aggregation to prevent recovery of individual-level information.
Authors should ensure that publication of material quoted or reproduced from previous work would not in-fringe copyright. Brief quotations may generally be reproduced freely, but detailed excerpts and images may require written permission from the copyright holder before publication. Suitable acknowledgement must al-ways be made for the use of others’ work.
On acceptance, after typesetting the author will be asked to check the galley proofs for typographical errors and to answer queries from the copy editor.

Contact Us
P.O.Box 150501, Yezin,
Zayarthiri Township,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Email: ir_yau@yau.edu.mm
Office: +95 67 341 6688