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Department of Plant Pathology

Department Research

  1. Effects of different Trichoderma spp. on natural diseases infestations and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) 2022

  2. Selecting the soybean varieties against the natural infestation of the fungal and viral plant diseases. 2020.

  3. Varietal resistance of rice to bacterial blight diseases. 2016-2020

  4. Varietal resistance of rice to rice blast diseases. 2016-2020

  5. Study on nodulation efficiency of indigenous species of Rhizobium isolated from black gram and its morphological and biochemical characterization. 2017-2018

  6. Investigation of nitrogen fixing Rhizobium bacteria from green gram cultivated soil. 2016-2017

  7. Morphological and biochemical characterization of Rhizobium spp. isolated from different host. 2016-2017

  8. Evaluation of different growing media for the growth and multiplication of rhizobium bacteria isolated from green gram. 2015-2016

  9. Study on nodulation efficiency of different isolates of Rhizobium on green gram.2015-2016

  10. Evaluation of growth and multiplication of nitrogen fiving rhizobium on different media. 2015-2016

Postgraduate Research

1. Screening of rice varieties against Pyricularia oryzae and effect of different fungicides on rice blast disease. Ye Min Thu, September 2019

2. Characterization of indigenous green gram rhizobium isolates and survival on different carriers. Kyi Kyi Thein, October 2019

3. Occurrence of Aphelenchoides Besseyi (Christie, 1942) in different rice growing regions and management of white tip disease. Lin Zar Ni. October 2019.

4. Pathogenic variation of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, varietal reaction onion twister disease and its fungicidal control. Aye Aye Thu, August 2020.

5. Race identification of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, varietal resistance of rice to bacterial blight. Han Su Yin, September 2020.

6. Race identification, molecular characterization, and effect of foliar potassium fertilizer application on Bacterial blight of rice. May Thu Tin, October 2021.

7.Varietal response and effect of different fungicides on stem and root rot diseases of sesame. Tin Mar Win, November 2021.

Undergraduate Research

  1. Screening of rice varieties for resistance against some important diseases. 2018-2019

  2. Nodulation efficiency, morphological, biochemical properties and genetic diversities of indigenous rhizobium isolates from black gram (Vigna mungo L.). 2018-2019

  3. Characterization on Ralstonia Solanacearum causing Bacterial wilt. 2019-2020

  4. Morphological characteristics of Rhizoctonia and Sclerotium species and reaction of rice varieties to Sheath Blight disease. 2019-2020

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