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International Relations Office
Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar

Inbound Mobility Programs for International Students

Inbound student mobility record

  • In 2017, 1 Student Exchange from Switzerland

  • In 2018, 1 Student Exchange from Italy

  • In 2019, 2 Student Thesis Research from Japan and 18 Short term visit programs from China

Information for Foreign Students

You are warmly welcome to Yezin Agricultural University!!!


You must start the application process at least 3 months before the semester starts at the Yezin Agricultural University. When sending an application, you are required to submit the following list of documents to the International Relations Office.

  • Official Transcript with results (undergraduate and postgraduate, if and as applicable)

  • CV

  • Bio page of the Passport

  • Recommendation Letters (2) as referee reports from your supervisors

  • Student Motivational Letter

  • A nomination letter from your university for the student may also be required.


The official website of the Yangon International Airport

provides answers to all your questions regarding Arrival in Myanmar, Immigration and Customs regulations, Baggage, Banks and Currency exchange.

English Language Requirements

A majority of lectures at the Yezin Agricultural University are conducted in English. Therefore, prospective students are expected to be competent in speaking, writing, listening and comprehension skills required for academic work at Yezin Agricultural University.


Please check the visa requirement at the following links.

If you require assistance with obtaining a visa to study at Yezin Agricultural University, contact the International Relations Office, leaving a period of at least three months for the processing of the visa.


If you are staying at accommodation provided by the University (University residences), please obey the rules and regulations imposed by respective hostel (time of arrival, departure etc.)

Academic work

  • 75 % attendance is compulsory for the coursework at YAU.

  • Practical sessions (if any) are compulsory

  • You will be evaluated based on the ongoing assessments, mid-term and end-term examinations depending on the courses you follow

  • You will be allowed to work in the laboratory and use instruments and chemicals under the permission of your research supervisor and/or with research students

Other University Facilities

If you wish to utilize the University facilities such as Main Library, IT Centre, Gymnasium, please go through the relevant request procedure through the International Relations Office

In Case of Emergency

You can contact,

  • Your supervisor/ Lecturer in charge from the faculty

  • International Affairs Office – 067-3-416688, 09-883864886

  • 199 (outside the University local emergency)

Rice paddy

Reach Us

International Relations Office

Convocation Building, 1st Floor,

Yezin Agricultural University,

150501, Yezin, Zayarthiri Township,

Nay Pyi Taw, MYANMAR


Office: +95-67-3-416688

Copyright @ 2022 Yezin Agricultural University

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