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Journal of Agricultural Research (2020), Volume. 7, Issue (2)
Effect of Different Water Regimes on Growth, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties
Kywae, Nang Ohn Myint, Aung Naing Oo, Khin Thidar One, Kyaw Ngwe
Two plot experiments were conducted during (November-February) 2017 and 2018 post monsoon season at the Water Utilization Research Section, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), Yezin. The experiments were assigned into 3 x 5 factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design with three replications. Factor A consisted of three levels of water application based on evapotranspiration (ET): (i) full irrigation (applying 100% irrigation requirement of ET- ET100%), (ii) deficit irrigation (applying 60% irrigation requirement of ET - ET60%), (iii) stress irrigation (applying 30% irrigation requirement of ET- ET30%) and factor B comprised of 5 groundnut varieties [Sinpadaetha-6 (Sin-6), Sinpadaetha-7 (Sin-7), Sinpadaetha-11 (Sin-11), Sinpadaetha-12 (Sin-12), Sinpadaetha-13 (Sin-13)]. The objectives of this study were (i) to investigate the effect of different water regimes on growth, yield and yield components of different groundnut varieties and (ii) to select groundnut varieties with high yield and water use efficiency under water stress conditions. The results showed that, ET100% treatment produced significantly higher results in growth, growth rate, yield and yield components in all tested groundnut varieties. ET60%, ET30% showed higher SCMR and lower SLA than ET100%. Highest SCMR value was obtained from Sin-6 and Sin-12 with ET30%. Under all water regimes, the maximum value of LAI, CGR and TDM were observed from Sin-13. The results showed that, the highest number of filled pods, 100 seed weight, pod yield and seed yield were observed in Sin-13 followed by Sin-11 while Sin-7 produced the lowest value except 100 seed weight at all water regimes. In 2018 post monsoon season, ET60% and ET30% resulted higher WUE than ET100%. At ET60% and ET30%, Sin-13 produced the highest WUE followed by Sin-11 and the lowest WUE from Sin-7. Judging from the results of present investigation, it can be concluded that for maximum yield production of all tested groundnut varieties should be grown with ET100%, if irrigation water is available. If availability of irrigation water is limited, water supplement with ET60% could be used to produce reasonable crop yield. Groundnut varieties, Sin-13 and Sin-11 are suitable for all water regimes including stress irrigation.
Keywords: Groundnut varieties, Water stress, Water use efficiency, Growth parameters, Yield and yield components

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